Mr. McGinty's Monarchs...
"Mr. McGinty and his dog, Sophie, perform a heroic monarch rescue...cheerful and detailed illustrations enliven the story and add important information."
- Kirkus Reviews |
"Written for grades 1-4 and ages 6-9, Mr. McGinty’s Monarchs is as much fun as it is educational...This book should be great for science class, science labs, show-and-tell, citizenship, environmental studies, ecosystem studies, and…well, you name it and this book should cover it."
- Rita Lorraine, Picture Book Depot Read the whole review here! |
Mr. McGinty and his dog Sophie love checking in on the monarch caterpillars and butterflies on their summer walks. But one day Mr. McGinty is shocked to find that all the milkweed in town has been mowed down! And monarch caterpillars, he explains, can't survive without milkweed. Can Mr. McGinty come up with a plan to save the monarchs? This is a tale that is informative, a call to action, and a sweet story time pick.
Age Range: 6 - 9 years
Grade Level: 1 - 4 Hardcover: 32 pages Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press (February 1, 2016) ISBN-13: 978-1585366125 |
The monarchs need our help...
In summer through late fall, milkweed grows lush along the sides of our road. Milkweed is the only plant monarchs use to lay their eggs. It is the only plant monarch caterpillars eat!
One day, while walking with my dogs, I found all the milkweed on our road had been mowed. Monarch caterpillars clung to the drying plants. I began to gather them, hoping to save as many as possible. I wanted to tell their story.
Monarch populations have dropped dramatically. It is my hope that MR. MCGINTY'S MONARCHS will not only entertain, but empower children, letting them know they can play an important role in the survival of these beautiful butterflies.
Click on the butterfly to see a gallery of monarchs!
One day, while walking with my dogs, I found all the milkweed on our road had been mowed. Monarch caterpillars clung to the drying plants. I began to gather them, hoping to save as many as possible. I wanted to tell their story.
Monarch populations have dropped dramatically. It is my hope that MR. MCGINTY'S MONARCHS will not only entertain, but empower children, letting them know they can play an important role in the survival of these beautiful butterflies.
Click on the butterfly to see a gallery of monarchs!
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